The definitive information source on UK housebuilders and residential property developers.
The directory contains detailed information on 2481 active housebuilders & residential property developers and includes 6526 key contacts (1358 based at majors).
The directory includes 1468 key building product procurement and specification contacts, including material buyers, technical directors/managers and construction directors/managers.
"We make good use of the UK Housebuilders directory as it assists us with our direct marketing campaigns by providing updated contact information of key personnel with a summary of planned developments. The directory also provides an informative statistical profile of each housebuilder which is again very useful when considering your target market.
Jamie Taylor-Holt, UK Business Development Director, Edilians
International Standard Book Number ISBN 978-0-9561825-2-4
To ensure that our data conforms to GDPR requirements we only publish generic email addresses (sales@ info@ admin@) for corporate entities (Ltd, PLC and LLPs).